Heat Balance: Variable heat recovery system

Heat Balance is an innovative variable heat recovery system, self-adaptive, able to satisfy different hot water demands. Heat Balance is an innovative variable heat recovery system, self-adaptive, able to satisfy different hot water demands. In this brochure, the Heat Balance system is applied to the CWE HRV range of air-cooled liquid chillers: 14 models covering cooling capacities from 13 to 140 kW.

The main system features are:

  • great adaptability to the thermal load;
  • simple design (no solenoid valves),
  • high reliability;
  • operation regularity;
  • buffer tank not required on the heat recovery circuit;
  • plug&play installation;
  • fine control of the hot water temperature via three-way valve (optional).


R&D has produced the Heat Balance system, which makes it possible to achieve high performance with a minimalist architecture of the cooling circuit and reduced components. The provision of electronic fans and the electronic lamination valve, components capable of adapting to different operating conditions, allows the Heat Balance system to handle variations in conditions and transient situations without needing traditional discrete operating components (solenoid valves). This makes the operation regular and reliable.

The Heat Balance system maximum flexibility is enhanced by a three-way valve (optional) that allows precise control of heated water temperatures, as required by many industrial applications. The Heat Balance system can recognise when there is no demand for heating and make the chiller fully efficient in cooling-only operations.



A Heat Balance system’s special feature is to continuously balance the recovered and dissipated heat power in any complementary ratio, providing proper response to the user thermal load request and smooth and regular chiller operation The system is perfectly adaptable to the plant’s different heating requirements.

The Heat Balance system can be used in different modes:

  • HEAVY-DUTY MODE Operation with discontinuous or highly variable flow rate and with greater variation in supplied temperature.
  • MODULATION MODE Operation with constant flow rate and a more accurate temperature control.
  • ACCURACY MODE Operation with constant flow rate and high temperature accuracy. In this case, a three-way valve (optional) is required.

The system’s fields of application are many, i.e., all those where, in addition to cooling water, hot water is to be used for other applications:

  • common industrial uses
  • HVAC (hotel, hospital, offices, sports facilities)
  • special industrial uses (chemical and food industry laboratories)